Monday, May 12, 2008

Writing Content online and earning money at the same time

Do you want to write spam, or Do You Want to Write?

You dream of winning your life writing to the internet, but so far everything you have earned $ 3.62 Google AdSense through your blog? Would you like to turn that $ $ 3.62 in $3,620 to only four weeks? Well guess what?

You can not!

No, seriously, you can not. At least, it is not very likely. No, if you really want to be a writer. If you want to be a spam writer, you might be able to do so, but you hate the morning, even if you succeed.

I write Web copy for this British-style, which has a site affiliate marketing. Each week, I review websites 10-25 promise people they can make $ 5000 while they are brushing their teeth, by setting up a website affiliated dummy and the promotion of a product. Then they are told they can kick back (or brushing teeth) and watch the money roll in many cases, the product is a CD or E-book on how how to make money by setting up sites affiliate marketing. (Are you dizzy? Good!)

At first I did not even know this sort of thing exists. The work of writing was one of my first, and the guys I do this for is a good guy and I pay on time. The work is easy if a little boring. Thus, even if I have a lot of other work more interesting now, I continue to write these comments once a week. It takes me maybe 20 minutes, and get $ 65 for it. It is 195.00 dollars an hour, but if I did that for an hour, I pushed myself. So I do not.

I soon realized that there is an avalanche of this crap on the Web - that is why my guy has a whole website devoted to nothing but comments - and 99% of it is terrible, boring, hyped-to-the-nine garbage. I also realized that many people would like to earn money actually writing for the Internet rather than paying money to someone else to learn more about the MLM or affiliate marketing Work for WHO.

I am not an expert on how to make money writing, but now I can earn more than I do in my daily work, while writing for the web. So I know he can do. I made $ 440 gross per week in my daily work (that is gross! Anyway, I live in Michigan ...), and last week, I made $ 560 writing online for week. I have another $ 500 or if the tail of this week. And I still have my day job, only half-time now because I too write today to work full-time elsewhere, writing and makes it better. I only write these lines since November 2007.

Thus, in the spirit of sharing (free) what I have learned so far on how to make money writing online, here are some tips. Please feel free to add your own. I'm always looking for good advice.

Plan to work hard I spend a lot of time writing. But I love writing. When I'm not writing, I am looking for new writing or keep track of my finances, or visiting other writers sites and networking, or by e-mail my regular customers and implementation of projects. This bit of advice May's kind of stupid, but if you do not love to write, I mean love to write to eat, breathe, sleep, dream, not to try to earn money as a writer . It is not easy money, but if you keep at it, it can be a lot of money.

Establishing a presence on the Internet Sign-authored several sites pay-per-click as HubPages, helium, Triond, PrintnPost or Associated Content. You also need to create your own blog with Blogger or Wordpress. Then, write your ass off. Do this for at least a month, and collect any cudos you can at these sites. At helium, you can win competitions writing weekly and you can also sell outright the articles in its Marketplace section. The negative, it is that you are evaluated by peers for helium contest, and what can be overwhelming for a delicate ego. But then, if you have a delicate ego and want to write for money, hardening is a good idea anyway.

Start your own website My favorite place to do that is Weebly, but there are many places you can set up a Web site without the bombardment of money. The good thing is about Weebly you do not need to know anything about HTML or code or whatever, everything is done through models and functions WYSIWYG. Although this May his egomaniacal as something to be done, once you start applying for self-employment, his surprisingly effective nailing projects. Buyers often ask for samples and simply refer them to your website. Post a real photo of yourself and a professional bio, and after four or five samples of your writing. You can also post a link to your blog. Think of this site as your resume online. Resist the urge to be flip or fearful about your ambitions, and let avatars and animated. Gifs instead of a true picture of your true self. The buyers want to work with a real person, not a brilliant porpoise jump over a rainbow over and over again.

Set up a profile for several independent sites I get most of my work at Elance, but I also heard good things about My daughter sent me a site called ODesk, but I'm not the greatest care for her. A large part of shift work, it is terribly underpaid. The same rules for your website apply to your profile to these independent sites. Be serious, not flip. The sense of humor is fine, but present yourself the way you would for any job. Take a little time with her and not be modest about your achievements, that is what you get. Some sites offer validate your credentials for a fee, which May or May not worth it to you, depending on your powers. Think of all the money you have to devote to such things as an investment in yourself. And do not forget, much of it will be deductible from your taxes as a business expense.

Bidding on some job application cheap as a first step, and keep it until you get something. Most of these sites allow you to offer a number of times for free, and after that you have to pay a membership fee. I offer free until I arrived, then I joined and paid the fee. Many people are reluctant to pay the tax, but I look like this: The cost to pay Elance is less than what I currently spend on gas to get to $ 12/hr my daily work, five days a week. Once you successfully complete a few jobs, you can start upping your price and be a little more selective.

Decide what you want to write and what are your borders are actually I just received this advice to HubPages here. It is excellent advice. I have been sporadic problems with customers who would advertise something, then ask for 12 more things once I am committed to work without pay nothing. I do not use contracts. If I can not trust the person I'm writing, then I do not want to write for them. It May you take some time to learn what you like to write and what you do not, when and how you want to be paid, how much rewriting that you're ready to go, how much harassment that you're ready to take, and so forth. Once you complete several projects, you begin to see a trend emerging with regard to what is going well and what does not, and you'll be able to sniff the clinkers faster.

Expect the occasion, Stiffed In fact I am amazed to see how this happens rarely. I was once stiffed and underpaid twice, but on all these occasions, I could see problems brewing and not act quickly or decisively to head later. I try to stick to "Escrowed work - that is, work which is set up so that the buyer puts money in advance in an escrow account through your third independent site, then releases it to you when you finish the project. I have done work without sequestration, and I am always paid. It makes me nervous. The only time I got stiffed was a non-escrowed project And to make matters worse, it was an E-book so that I had already written about 12000 words then nthey buyer support. This kind of thing would happen, and you learn it. Do not take it personally .

Exit at the first smell of trouble if a customer is a pain in the butt and very demanding and unpleasant, graciously fire that the customer as soon as the draft opinion "disabled". My three bad experiences (on dozens of good) were all taken far too long naieve in my efforts to please customers unpleasable exploitation. I support and say thank a lot of positive things that most under Schmaltz said, "Go away, okay?" Do not be evil, not to be emotional, just exit as soon as possible. One of the best things about the work for you is that you get to fire your customers if they abuse you.

Keep looking for new sites New sites spring almost every day, when you're bored or need a break to write about anything that you're writing about, research on the web writing other sites. Search HubPages and sites as for articles by people money to write and read about what works for them. I found so many good things this way.

Self-Publish Back in the day when you had to self-publish on real paper there was some stigma to do so. However, some of the best-selling books ever been initially self-published. Here are some best-selling books that began as self-published (on paper) books:

Remembrance of things past, Marcel Proust

Ulysses, James Joyce

The adventures of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

A Time to Kill, by John Grisham

The barber rich, by David Chilton

The Bridges of Madison County

What color is your parachute

In Search of Excellence by Tom Peters

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. (and his student EB White)

The joy of cooking

When I am an old woman I shall wear Purple

The life of little instruction book

Robert's Rules of Order

Today, it is much easier to self-publication. You can self publish free or a nominal fee to Lulu, CreateSpace or BookSmart, just to name a few, and you can charge buyers by the downloadable version. PDF File. If you want a printed book, you can do that too. You can even order services through these sites as cover art and illustration. For a small fee, you can buy a IBSN number of your book and sell it through the Amazon, and also do research in any library or bookstore database.

So if you're sitting on a book that you've been sending nearly slushpiles for years, just think to publish your own instead. If you do well, publishing houses will address YOU. Would not it be cool?

Keep as many people who succeed in doing what they are unabated. They are not in place a slap MLM Web site and lay around and collect money, they do something they love and they continue to do whatever until it works for them. They can not do is how much they love him. They do not personally, they learn from and continue to do whatever they do. The same is true of writing.

My personal feeling is, if you can teach people how to write or write better, you can not teach everyone to be a writer. Either you are a writer or you're not a writer. If you are a writer, you already know. If you're not a writer and are unsure if you are one, but you believe to be one, then what you should do first, start writing, never stop. Never stop. One day, boom, you realize that you are very well written all the time, and this is where you will also realize that, duh, you must be a writer after all!

So my free advice, for what it's worth. (Which May not much!) Take a chance, learn and love, live and let live, be happy.

Life is too short to waste it in addition to doing anything that you love.

Social Networking Basics to promote your products online

How "to do" Social Networking?

Marketing for corporate profits

To summarize briefly, you must define your audience, locate potential customers, build a social relationship with them and promote your brand and website. What you choose to do so on these sites depends on what your business needs.
How the creation of social networks to

In most communities, it is recommended not to start by promoting your brand or website. If you start by "spamming" you might get expelled from the social community. The site administrators will most likely prohibit you from returning. Being too direct in your location could also deter people away. So think passive, indirect think ... help people with "how" the "why". Listen, share and be humble. Vanter about money are not going to win you friends.

What's next? Be yourself, be human, to open a little and show people who you are. Tell them your story and focus on things that help you stand May. Visit the communities that interest you personally and get involved.

While the opening of contact on social media sites is high, it is equally important to continue to stay in contact. Do not start something and not finish. For example, from posts on a blog is very good, but you have to show people that you are not only visit, but are there to listen. When people add comments in response, they might need a response from you. If possible, follow or subscribe to heat foods that you have contributed.

Making a movie of your life you life and be just like instead to promote video on your product. Add a link to your site at the end. This does not mean that you are not able to promote your business, you have to be creative and add value to the site instead treat it as a platform for direct advertising.

Enjoy gadgets provided by most of these sites and post them on your site / blog. Yet another way for people to find you and also make the most of the viral nature of a community-based site.
How do I know if it works

The indicators are obvious traffic and sales, however, for more "hardcore", it is marketing analysis software that allows targets to implement and monitor conversion rates. If you plan to build your social networking fast map to a system for monitoring campaign first. Take a little time planning from the outset and you know exactly where the results are coming and where to invest your time. The most important thing is the 'do. " So, the sooner you signed the best!

How marketing social network can grow your business marketing profits?

Social Media Marketing create opportunities to:

* Add a human element (you) to your business or product
* Engage with customers directly, but unofficially, suspended online
* It is fun and easy to do once you know how
* Get traffic to your site
* Creating a buzz around your website, product or service or brand
* Creating links to your website for the search engine ranking benefits
* Create loyalty and trust

We must know this before you can learn how

Before you can develop a way to incorporate social issues successfully networking in your business plan profits ...

.... you ask a few questions .... Do you know what is social networking? How different media focused sites? Never heard about Social Bookmarking? These are all important concepts to grasp for the use of social networks to enjoy your company.

Here is a list of popular social networking sites classified by type of media.

Social Networking

Social Bookmarking

Sharing content

Media Sharing

Blog platforms

Spend a little time visiting each site and become familiar with their objective, layout, media and marketing potential for your company. In your area of interest, look at what is popular and take some notes on why it goes without saying. Is there anything unique or undiscovered so to speak that you could exploit?

Take a little time looking at the three main Social Media Marketing scene.

Social Media Networks: They include sites like Facebook, MySpace and Beebo. They are online communities where friends can interact and share information with each other. The viral nature of these naturally online social networks can be used for your company 's profit.

Social Bookmarking: Social Bookmarking sites is a bit like your "favorites list" of your Web browser. But instead keep this list on your computer for you just to see, it is stored on a Web site where your list can be branded with your keywords and crawled by search engines.

Social Media Sharing: includes sites like YouTube and Google Video. Users transfer videos or slide shows. These applications can bring a new flow of website traffic to your website and improve the arrival of links to your site's content.

ATTENTION ==> We have all seen the product launches, special offers and $ 7 script with e-books
"Secrets of 2.0 social marketing"

It is no secret there. Good quality delivery of content on the web pointing to your site is all it takes to build a network of massive traffic. Most of the so-called "means of social communication" marketing books available are incomplete and vague - a theory based (no meat and potatoes!) Do not let these "Special Offers" to get the modus operandi you a profitable business. Find people who are willing to spend some time with you answering your questions and direction you in the right direction. Contact me through the platform link with the pages and I would be happy to assist you in any way I can.

Links of Interest

* Four facts every new network marketer needs to know
* The sections of the platform How author
Ezine articles on the marketing firm, profits, circulation, savings and more
* Wikipedia source of information
Theme "social marketing"

Strange or Funny? Turn up your speakers ...

I did a lot of research before putting his hand to keyboard to write this page and one thing I was really surprised. When I googled the term "social network marketing" and "means of social communication networking" combined with the exact term "how" there are fewer than 40000 results for everyone. What does that mean? Is it a niche waiting to be discovered? No I do not think so! Using social sites as a marketing technique is a secret .... many industry leaders are education and did so for some time. So why are there so few search results on the list of information on "how" There are two reasons and they are both very simple.

* No one else can tell you how to be yourself.

* Social sites are changing in nature, they change from day to day through the contributions of its members - which is why they are so successful. As the platform is constantly evolving, so is for you to use this medium!

About Voncore

Best offshore outsourcing in Asia VONCORE specializes in developing customized KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) solutions for businesses of all sizes. Working with our clients as a true partnership, we develop off-shore teams that function as a full time department and extension of your business operation. These teams function in direct alignment with your unique needs, strategy, corporate culture and growth.